When it comes to immigration, we are thought leaders and we love to share our expertise and knowledge. Check out our articles, opinion pieces, and recorded webinars. Keep informed with immigration changes as they happen.
New South Wales has announced that it will not accept new 132 Business Talent visa applications from 5pm (Time Australia) on 16 April, 2021.
The automatic Overseas Travel Ban Exemption for Australian citizens and permanent residents, ordinarily resident in a country other than Australia, has now been removed. The purpose of the removal of
New South Wales has announced that it will not accept new 132 Business Talent visa applications from 5pm (Time Australia) on 16 April, 2021.
The Government is moving to protect foreign workers from exploitation by employers. The plans include listing certain employers as ‘prohibited employers, barring them from employing and/or sponsoring foreign workers. Criminal
The Temporary Activity visa (subclass 408) permits temporary visas holders to remain lawfully in Australia, and continue working if they’re currently employed or capable of being employed in critical industry
New South Wales has announced that it will not accept new 132 Business Talent visa applications from 5pm (Time Australia) on 16 April, 2021.
When New Zealand’s borders closed on 19 March 2020, no one expected that a year later families would still be separated with no sign of a possible reunion in the near future.
The Minister for Immigration, Citizenship, Migrant Services and Multicultural Affairs Alex Hawke MP has announced the inclusion of 22 additional skilled occupations on the Priority Migration Skilled Occupation List (PMSOL).
Due to strict border controls, NZ Immigration cannot legally grant visas to people outside NZ who are unlikely to meet the entry requirements and therefore applications from most people cannot be granted.
The Department of Home Affairs has recently announced an increase in fees for a number of visa applications. Our table below summarises the increases which are now in effect:
Over recent weeks there have been a number of Government announcements affecting immigration. Here’s a quick summary:
The Minister for Immigration, Citizenship, Migrant Services and Multicultural Affairs Alex Hawke MP has announced the inclusion of 22 additional skilled occupations on the Priority Migration Skilled Occupation List (PMSOL).
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Ehenducienis am, quis dolorerovid quia que lam, ut opta sita non nonem velesed que sin consedi pidebis volo inulpar chilliquos autatiorequis velesed que sin consedi pidebis volo inulpar chilliquos autatiore, simagnita nonsequia.
Featured migration story headline to go here
Ehenducienis am, quis dolorerovid quia que lam, ut opta sita non nonem velesed que sin consedi pidebis volo inulpar chilliquos autatiorequis velesed que sin consedi pidebis volo inulpar chilliquos autatiore, simagnita nonsequia.
Featured migration story headline to go here
Ehenducienis am, quis dolorerovid quia que lam, ut opta sita non nonem velesed que sin consedi pidebis volo inulpar chilliquos autatiorequis velesed que sin consedi pidebis volo inulpar chilliquos autatiore, simagnita nonsequia.
New South Wales has announced that it will not accept new 132 Business Talent visa applications from 5pm (Time Australia) on 16 April, 2021.
The automatic Overseas Travel Ban Exemption for Australian citizens and permanent residents, ordinarily resident in a country other than Australia, has now been removed. The purpose of the removal of
New South Wales has announced that it will not accept new 132 Business Talent visa applications from 5pm (Time Australia) on 16 April, 2021.
The Government is moving to protect foreign workers from exploitation by employers. The plans include listing certain employers as ‘prohibited employers, barring them from employing and/or sponsoring foreign workers. Criminal
The Temporary Activity visa (subclass 408) permits temporary visas holders to remain lawfully in Australia, and continue working if they’re currently employed or capable of being employed in critical industry
New South Wales has announced that it will not accept new 132 Business Talent visa applications from 5pm (Time Australia) on 16 April, 2021.
When New Zealand’s borders closed on 19 March 2020, no one expected that a year later families would still be separated with no sign of a possible reunion in the near future.
The Minister for Immigration, Citizenship, Migrant Services and Multicultural Affairs Alex Hawke MP has announced the inclusion of 22 additional skilled occupations on the Priority Migration Skilled Occupation List (PMSOL).
Due to strict border controls, NZ Immigration cannot legally grant visas to people outside NZ who are unlikely to meet the entry requirements and therefore applications from most people cannot be granted.
The Department of Home Affairs has recently announced an increase in fees for a number of visa applications. Our table below summarises the increases which are now in effect:
Over recent weeks there have been a number of Government announcements affecting immigration. Here’s a quick summary:
The Minister for Immigration, Citizenship, Migrant Services and Multicultural Affairs Alex Hawke MP has announced the inclusion of 22 additional skilled occupations on the Priority Migration Skilled Occupation List (PMSOL).
Featured migration story headline to go here
Ehenducienis am, quis dolorerovid quia que lam, ut opta sita non nonem velesed que sin consedi pidebis volo inulpar chilliquos autatiorequis velesed que sin consedi pidebis volo inulpar chilliquos autatiore, simagnita nonsequia.
The Minister for Immigration, Citizenship, Migrant Services and Multicultural Affairs Alex Hawke MP has announced the inclusion of 22 additional skilled occupations
Recently the Government announced that the Australian Superannuation Guarantee will increase from 9.5% to 10% on 1 July 2021
International borders will remain closed until at least mid-2022 therefore the impact of the recent budget announcement is relatively small for migrants wishing to live, work or study in Australia.
Permanent or provisional family visa holders who want to travel to Australia but their Initial Entry Date (first entry date) has passed (or will pass within the next 3 months), may still be able to enter Australia by completing a Travel Facilitation Letter.
The Australian Government has made major changes to student visa conditions, providing more flexibility to support Australia’s tourism and hospitality sector.
The Minister for Immigration, Citizenship, Migrant Services and Multicultural Affairs Alex Hawke MP has announced the inclusion of 22 additional skilled occupations on the Priority Migration Skilled Occupation List (PMSOL).
On 18 April 2021, the corridor between Australia and New Zealand officially opened. The long-awaited two-way travel bubble came into effect after many
With over 500,000 temporary visa holders leaving Australia as a result of COVID-19 and border closures, it’s no surprise that a number of industries are suffering from skill shortages.
Vaccine passports, the future of international travels? Since the beginning of the COVID-19 outbreak, scientists from around the world have collaborated, innovated, and worked together to develop vaccines
New South Wales has announced that it will not accept new 132 Business Talent visa applications from 5pm (Time Australia) on 16 April, 2021.
The Australian Government has announced that certain visa holders will be eligible to apply for a waiver or a refund of their visa application charge (VAC) if their travel or stay in Australia (or both) has been affected by the COVID-19 pandemic.
The Australian Government has announced changes will be made to reform business and investor visas to maximise the economic benefits for Australia.
Featured migration story headline to go here
Ehenducienis am, quis dolorerovid quia que lam, ut opta sita non nonem velesed que sin consedi pidebis volo inulpar chilliquos autatiorequis velesed que sin consedi pidebis volo inulpar chilliquos autatiore, simagnita nonsequia.
Featured migration story headline to go here
Ehenducienis am, quis dolorerovid quia que lam, ut opta sita non nonem velesed que sin consedi pidebis volo inulpar chilliquos autatiorequis velesed que sin consedi pidebis volo inulpar chilliquos autatiore, simagnita nonsequia.
Featured migration story headline to go here
Ehenducienis am, quis dolorerovid quia que lam, ut opta sita non nonem velesed que sin consedi pidebis volo inulpar chilliquos autatiorequis velesed que sin consedi pidebis volo inulpar chilliquos autatiore, simagnita nonsequia.
Featured migration story headline to go here
Ehenducienis am, quis dolorerovid quia que lam, ut opta sita non nonem velesed que sin consedi pidebis volo inulpar chilliquos autatiorequis velesed que sin consedi pidebis volo inulpar chilliquos autatiore, simagnita nonsequia.
You can get in touch with the team on our support lines: 1300 227 658 or
+61 (03) 9827 3721. Alternatively, you can book a free 10 minute consultation through our Acuity Portal.
© Absolute Immigration 2019
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Disclaimer: Information on this website does not constitute personal migration advice and is provided for general information and education purposes only. Accordingly, before taking any actions based on such information, we encourage you to consult with one of our Migration Agents who are all bound by the MARA Code of Conduct.
Certain images featured on our website and social media accounts are credited to Freepik, NZ Story, Tourism Australia, and 100% Pure New Zealand.
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