Immigration experts in Australia and NZ
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Absolute News

When it comes to immigration, we are thought leaders and we love to share our expertise and knowledge. Check out our articles, opinion pieces, and recorded webinars. Keep informed with immigration changes as they happen.

Effective 02 August 2024, Subclass 482 visa’s Short-Term Stream has simplified some Genuine Temporary Entrant (GTE) criteria requirements.
regional visa
The Australian government offers various regional skilled worker visas to address skill shortages and provide pathways to permanent residency.
Fast-tracking construction skills assessments to meet the urgent demand for skilled workers in Australia’s housing sector.

Effective 02 August 2024, Subclass 482 visa's Short-Term Stream has simplified some Genuine Temporary Entrant (GTE) criteria requirements.

The Australian government offers various regional skilled worker visas to address skill shortages and provide pathways to permanent residency.

Fast-tracking construction skills assessments to meet the urgent demand for skilled workers in Australia's housing sector.

The Migration Amendment (Strengthening Employer Compliance) Act 2024 aims to reduce the exploitation of temporary migrant workers, promote employer compliance, and improve fair workplace practices, creating an equitable environment for all businesses

The BIIP closes to new applications from 31 July 2024. Learn about key changes and impacts on Subclass 188 visas.

Australia's 2024-2025 state-nominated migration allocations have been updated, offering a total of 16,500 places presenting exciting opportunities for migrants

The Melbourne Declaration strengthens the ASEAN-Australia partnership, extending business visitor visas to 5 years, fostering trade, and boosting regional relationships.

Workplace Justice Visa

The Workplace Justice Visa enables temporary migrants to stay and work in Australia while addressing workplace exploitation. Learn the key aspects and benefits.

New laws effective from 1 July 2024 protect migrant workers from exploitation by employers. These laws ensure fair treatment and compliance.

The Western Australian Government has signed a deal for 10,000 skilled migration places for 2024-25. The deal will create more opportunities for business sponsors, addressing labour shortages and boosting the WA economy.

Explore the significant immigration changes effective from 1 July 2024, including visa condition updates, new exemptions for UK citizens, and impacts on various visa programs.

The Migration Amendment (Infringement Notices) Regulations 2024 enhance compliance by increasing penalties and updating provisions. Effective from 1 July 2024.

Screenshot 2023 06 30 at 10.03.42 am 1

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Ehenducienis am, quis dolorerovid quia que lam, ut opta sita non nonem velesed que sin consedi pidebis volo inulpar chilliquos autatiorequis velesed que sin consedi pidebis volo inulpar chilliquos autatiore, simagnita nonsequia.

Effective 02 August 2024, Subclass 482 visa’s Short-Term Stream has simplified some Genuine Temporary Entrant (GTE) criteria requirements.
regional visa
The Australian government offers various regional skilled worker visas to address skill shortages and provide pathways to permanent residency.
Fast-tracking construction skills assessments to meet the urgent demand for skilled workers in Australia’s housing sector.

Our immigration experts Jamie Lingham, Majlinda Lulo, Alex Kaufman, and Jannaha Schillaci, gave viewers an overview of the recent Review of Australia’s Immigration System & immediate changes announced by the Government.

Our immigration expert Majlinda Lulo, Chief Migration Strategist, and our Immigration Director, Belinda Man, gave viewers an overview of the recent announcement for 457 visa holders who are aged over 45 years. The age restriction has been removed which opens doors to PR for many 457 visa holders.

Majlinda Lulo, Chief Migration Strategist, gave viewers an overview of the recent announcement to ENS changes for TSS visa holders.

Majlinda Lulo, Chief Migration Strategist, and Belinda Man, Immigration Director, provided some great insights specifically for the healthcare sector along with suggested strategies of recruiting abroad.

Majlinda Lulo, Chief Migration Strategist, and Belinda Man, Immigration Director, provided some great insights specifically for the healthcare sector along with suggested strategies of recruiting abroad.

Majlinda Lulo, Chief Migration Strategist, and Belinda Man, Immigration Director, provided some great insights specifically for the healthcare sector along with suggested strategies of recruiting abroad.

Jamie Lingham, CEO & Global Migration Leader, and Belinda Man, Immigration Director, provide an overview of recent trends and changes, impacts on the workforce, industries experiencing critical shortages, and what their outlook is for immigration in Australia.

Australian Immigration Update

Jamie Lingham, CEO & Global Migration Leader, and Belinda Man, Immigration Director, provide an overview of recent trends and changes, impacts on the workforce, industries experiencing critical shortages, and what their outlook is for immigration in Australia.

NZ Immigration Update

Arno Nothnagel, our NZ Immigration Director and Trinity Li, our NZ Immigration Strategist, hosted a webinar to provide an update on NZ’s immigration situation.

The New Zealand Government has announced some changes to Temporary Work visas that include the introduction of a new employer accreditation, a

Investing in your future

If you are seeking an opportunity to integrate both your commercial and lifestyle interests, Australia or New Zealand could be right for

Immigration New Zealand (INZ) hosted an invite-only webinar where we found out about potential changes to immigration, border restrictions, and visa processing

Screenshot 2023 06 30 at 10.03.42 am 1

Featured migration story headline to go here

Ehenducienis am, quis dolorerovid quia que lam, ut opta sita non nonem velesed que sin consedi pidebis volo inulpar chilliquos autatiorequis velesed que sin consedi pidebis volo inulpar chilliquos autatiore, simagnita nonsequia.

Effective 02 August 2024, Subclass 482 visa’s Short-Term Stream has simplified some Genuine Temporary Entrant (GTE) criteria requirements.
regional visa
The Australian government offers various regional skilled worker visas to address skill shortages and provide pathways to permanent residency.
Fast-tracking construction skills assessments to meet the urgent demand for skilled workers in Australia’s housing sector.
The Migration Amendment (Strengthening Employer Compliance) Act 2024 aims to reduce the exploitation of temporary migrant workers, promote employer compliance, and improve fair workplace practices, creating an equitable environment for
The BIIP closes to new applications from 31 July 2024. Learn about key changes and impacts on Subclass 188 visas.
Australia’s 2024-2025 state-nominated migration allocations have been updated, offering a total of 16,500 places presenting exciting opportunities for migrants

Our Immigration Director of Absolute Immigration Legal, Alex Kaufman, offers great insights for businesses to ensure their operations stay compliant and meet all their sponsorship obligations.

Jamie Lingham, our founder and Global Immigration Leader of Absolute Immigration provides the hospitality sector with an outline of what the new Labour Agreement entails and how to utilise it.

We are excited to make some announcements and introductions as our team of PEOPLE expand in response to our growing business.

"With the recent announcement of Australia’s borders reopening (on Feb 21), coupled with other immigration initiatives announced, we hope this will bring much needed help and manpower to Australia", Jamie Lingham, CEO and Global Immigration Leader, Absolute Immigration.

Today our organization came together to acknowledge R U Ok? Day.  With everyone in lockdown (Melbourne, Sydney, and Auckland), it was more relevant than ever to talk about the significance of this annual date and understand how to reach out to those that might be struggling.

With his very own Instagram hashtag - #leadingremotely – Jamie has been away for 4 months and driven 10,000km’s in that time….with no return date in sight. With so many adventures already under his belt that he’s sharing with his family, here are some wise words from our leader, working remotely in outback Australia

Remember, a conversation could change a life.

Meet our new team members!

Over the last four months, we have welcomed eight new team members. Meet them here!

Screenshot 2023 06 30 at 10.03.42 am 1

Featured migration story headline to go here

Ehenducienis am, quis dolorerovid quia que lam, ut opta sita non nonem velesed que sin consedi pidebis volo inulpar chilliquos autatiorequis velesed que sin consedi pidebis volo inulpar chilliquos autatiore, simagnita nonsequia.

Effective 02 August 2024, Subclass 482 visa’s Short-Term Stream has simplified some Genuine Temporary Entrant (GTE) criteria requirements.

Messages of support

We’ve been supporting each other through the lockdown and as we move into the new COVID normal world. From all of us

Partnership Expansion: ASEAN-Australia Visa Changes in 2024 Partnership
The Melbourne Declaration strengthens the ASEAN-Australia partnership, extending business visitor visas to 5 years, fostering trade, and boosting regional relationships.
Workplace Justice Visa Regulations 2024
The Workplace Justice Visa enables temporary migrants to stay and work in Australia while addressing workplace exploitation. Learn the key aspects and benefits.
Protection for Migrant Workers: New Anti-Exploitation Laws
New laws effective from 1 July 2024 protect migrant workers from exploitation by employers. These laws ensure fair treatment and compliance.

Effective 02 August 2024, Subclass 482 visa's Short-Term Stream has simplified some Genuine Temporary Entrant (GTE) criteria requirements.

The Australian government offers various regional skilled worker visas to address skill shortages and provide pathways to permanent residency.

Fast-tracking construction skills assessments to meet the urgent demand for skilled workers in Australia's housing sector.

The Migration Amendment (Strengthening Employer Compliance) Act 2024 aims to reduce the exploitation of temporary migrant workers, promote employer compliance, and improve fair workplace practices, creating an equitable environment for all businesses

The BIIP closes to new applications from 31 July 2024. Learn about key changes and impacts on Subclass 188 visas.

Australia's 2024-2025 state-nominated migration allocations have been updated, offering a total of 16,500 places presenting exciting opportunities for migrants

The Melbourne Declaration strengthens the ASEAN-Australia partnership, extending business visitor visas to 5 years, fostering trade, and boosting regional relationships.

Workplace Justice Visa

The Workplace Justice Visa enables temporary migrants to stay and work in Australia while addressing workplace exploitation. Learn the key aspects and benefits.

New laws effective from 1 July 2024 protect migrant workers from exploitation by employers. These laws ensure fair treatment and compliance.

The Western Australian Government has signed a deal for 10,000 skilled migration places for 2024-25. The deal will create more opportunities for business sponsors, addressing labour shortages and boosting the WA economy.

Explore the significant immigration changes effective from 1 July 2024, including visa condition updates, new exemptions for UK citizens, and impacts on various visa programs.

The Migration Amendment (Infringement Notices) Regulations 2024 enhance compliance by increasing penalties and updating provisions. Effective from 1 July 2024.

Screenshot 2023 06 30 at 10.03.42 am 1

Featured migration story headline to go here

Ehenducienis am, quis dolorerovid quia que lam, ut opta sita non nonem velesed que sin consedi pidebis volo inulpar chilliquos autatiorequis velesed que sin consedi pidebis volo inulpar chilliquos autatiore, simagnita nonsequia.

Effective 02 August 2024, Subclass 482 visa’s Short-Term Stream has simplified some Genuine Temporary Entrant (GTE) criteria requirements.
regional visa
The Australian government offers various regional skilled worker visas to address skill shortages and provide pathways to permanent residency.
Fast-tracking construction skills assessments to meet the urgent demand for skilled workers in Australia’s housing sector.

Effective 02 August 2024, Subclass 482 visa's Short-Term Stream has simplified some Genuine Temporary Entrant (GTE) criteria requirements.

The Australian government offers various regional skilled worker visas to address skill shortages and provide pathways to permanent residency.

Fast-tracking construction skills assessments to meet the urgent demand for skilled workers in Australia's housing sector.

The Migration Amendment (Strengthening Employer Compliance) Act 2024 aims to reduce the exploitation of temporary migrant workers, promote employer compliance, and improve fair workplace practices, creating an equitable environment for all businesses

The BIIP closes to new applications from 31 July 2024. Learn about key changes and impacts on Subclass 188 visas.

Australia's 2024-2025 state-nominated migration allocations have been updated, offering a total of 16,500 places presenting exciting opportunities for migrants

The Melbourne Declaration strengthens the ASEAN-Australia partnership, extending business visitor visas to 5 years, fostering trade, and boosting regional relationships.

Workplace Justice Visa

The Workplace Justice Visa enables temporary migrants to stay and work in Australia while addressing workplace exploitation. Learn the key aspects and benefits.

New laws effective from 1 July 2024 protect migrant workers from exploitation by employers. These laws ensure fair treatment and compliance.

The Western Australian Government has signed a deal for 10,000 skilled migration places for 2024-25. The deal will create more opportunities for business sponsors, addressing labour shortages and boosting the WA economy.

Explore the significant immigration changes effective from 1 July 2024, including visa condition updates, new exemptions for UK citizens, and impacts on various visa programs.

The Migration Amendment (Infringement Notices) Regulations 2024 enhance compliance by increasing penalties and updating provisions. Effective from 1 July 2024.

Screenshot 2023 06 30 at 10.03.42 am 1

Featured migration story headline to go here

Ehenducienis am, quis dolorerovid quia que lam, ut opta sita non nonem velesed que sin consedi pidebis volo inulpar chilliquos autatiorequis velesed que sin consedi pidebis volo inulpar chilliquos autatiore, simagnita nonsequia.

Effective 02 August 2024, Subclass 482 visa’s Short-Term Stream has simplified some Genuine Temporary Entrant (GTE) criteria requirements.
regional visa
The Australian government offers various regional skilled worker visas to address skill shortages and provide pathways to permanent residency.

New Zealand needs more workers and the good news is that employing talent from overseas can be a relatively short process from beginning to end. Arno Nothnagel, our NZ Immigration Director, provides guidelines to navigate the new AEWV system.

The Digital Passenger Declaration (DPD) has replaced the Australia Travel Declaration and is required to be completed by all passengers arriving by air into Australia. The DPD can be completed seven days before the flight departure and submitted within 72 hours prior to departure for Australia.

On 18 April 2021, the corridor between Australia and New Zealand officially opened. The long-awaited two-way travel bubble came into effect after many

Vaccine passports, the future of international travels? Since the beginning of the COVID-19 outbreak, scientists from around the world have collaborated, innovated, and worked together to develop vaccines

Australia and New Zealand have controlled the number of cases of COVID-19 in recent months, and now the most frequent question we’re being asked is if we can travel or visit family and friends this holiday season.

Australia and New Zealand have more than 100 different types of visas so it can be overwhelming when trying to determine which visa is right for you. There are visas for those who want to visit for holidays, study, work, live permanently, join their partners or family, invest or apply for the refugee and humanitarian program, just to name a few. But depending on your situation, what you need, and your particular circumstances, it’s important to find the right visa for you.

Life without borders

Did you find the love of your life in Australia? Or the job of your dreams? Why did you decide to move here? Do you love Australia and want to find a way to stay permanently? Or do you know someone who wants to make Australia their home?

If you are seeking an opportunity to integrate both your commercial and lifestyle interests, Australia or New Zealand could be right for you. They both offer an attractive balance between investment opportunities, expansive lifestyle and recreation choices in landscapes unique to both countries.

Team health and wellbeing

Absolute Immigration have been announced as the winners of the Wellbeing Initiative of the Year Award, in the Employee Engagement Category for the 2020 TEMI Global Workforce Management Awards. We are so excited and proud of how our team has come together and supported each other throughout the global pandemic going on right now.

In the last few days, we’ve seen some loosening of the coronavirus restrictions, and although international borders remain closed with no set date of re-opening,

While the COVID-19 restrictions have made immigration difficult, there are still a number of pathways available to people looking to migrate to Australia and New

12 Tips for Quarantine

While it may be difficult to get into Australia and New Zealand currently, if you do manage to book a flight or obtain a travel waiver and you’re not a citizen or permanent resident, you can look forward to 14 days of mandatory quarantine.

Screenshot 2023 06 30 at 10.03.42 am 1

Featured migration story headline to go here

Ehenducienis am, quis dolorerovid quia que lam, ut opta sita non nonem velesed que sin consedi pidebis volo inulpar chilliquos autatiorequis velesed que sin consedi pidebis volo inulpar chilliquos autatiore, simagnita nonsequia.

Effective 02 August 2024, Subclass 482 visa’s Short-Term Stream has simplified some Genuine Temporary Entrant (GTE) criteria requirements.
regional visa
The Australian government offers various regional skilled worker visas to address skill shortages and provide pathways to permanent residency.
Fast-tracking construction skills assessments to meet the urgent demand for skilled workers in Australia’s housing sector.

Our immigration experts Jamie Lingham, Majlinda Lulo, Alex Kaufman, and Jannaha Schillaci, gave viewers an overview of the recent Review of Australia’s Immigration System & immediate changes announced by the Government.

Our immigration expert Majlinda Lulo, Chief Migration Strategist, and our Immigration Director, Belinda Man, gave viewers an overview of the recent announcement for 457 visa holders who are aged over 45 years. The age restriction has been removed which opens doors to PR for many 457 visa holders.

Majlinda Lulo, Chief Migration Strategist, gave viewers an overview of the recent announcement to ENS changes for TSS visa holders.

Majlinda Lulo, Chief Migration Strategist, and Belinda Man, Immigration Director, provided some great insights specifically for the healthcare sector along with suggested strategies of recruiting abroad.

Majlinda Lulo, Chief Migration Strategist, and Belinda Man, Immigration Director, provided some great insights specifically for the healthcare sector along with suggested strategies of recruiting abroad.

Majlinda Lulo, Chief Migration Strategist, and Belinda Man, Immigration Director, provided some great insights specifically for the healthcare sector along with suggested strategies of recruiting abroad.

Jamie Lingham, CEO & Global Migration Leader, and Belinda Man, Immigration Director, provide an overview of recent trends and changes, impacts on the workforce, industries experiencing critical shortages, and what their outlook is for immigration in Australia.

Australian Immigration Update

Jamie Lingham, CEO & Global Migration Leader, and Belinda Man, Immigration Director, provide an overview of recent trends and changes, impacts on the workforce, industries experiencing critical shortages, and what their outlook is for immigration in Australia.

NZ Immigration Update

Arno Nothnagel, our NZ Immigration Director and Trinity Li, our NZ Immigration Strategist, hosted a webinar to provide an update on NZ’s immigration situation.

The New Zealand Government has announced some changes to Temporary Work visas that include the introduction of a new employer accreditation, a

Investing in your future

If you are seeking an opportunity to integrate both your commercial and lifestyle interests, Australia or New Zealand could be right for

Immigration New Zealand (INZ) hosted an invite-only webinar where we found out about potential changes to immigration, border restrictions, and visa processing

Screenshot 2023 06 30 at 10.03.42 am 1

Featured migration story headline to go here

Ehenducienis am, quis dolorerovid quia que lam, ut opta sita non nonem velesed que sin consedi pidebis volo inulpar chilliquos autatiorequis velesed que sin consedi pidebis volo inulpar chilliquos autatiore, simagnita nonsequia.

Effective 02 August 2024, Subclass 482 visa’s Short-Term Stream has simplified some Genuine Temporary Entrant (GTE) criteria requirements.