Immigration experts in Australia and NZ

Digital Passenger Declaration (DPD) for Travel into Australia

The Digital Passenger Declaration (DPD) has replaced the Australia Travel Declaration and is required to be completed by all passengers arriving by air into Australia.

The DPD can be completed seven days before the flight departure and submitted within 72 hours prior to departure for Australia. This is because travellers must provide health information and declaration (vaccination status and COVID-19 test result) within 72 hours before the flight.

When filling out the DPD, you will need to:

  • provide your contact details, including a contact phone number in Australia
  • make a legally binding declaration in relation to your vaccination status
  • make a declaration regarding your last 14 days travel history
  • make a declaration that you are aware of the quarantine and testing requirements that apply when coming to Australia and in the state or territory you are landing, and the penalties for non-compliance.


Penalties and enforcement

The Digital Passenger Declaration requests critical health information. You must be able to provide evidence that the critical information was completed before boarding the aircraft. This is an enforceable requirement and can result in heaving penalties if not complied with.

States and territories may also apply penalties in order to enforce compliance with public health orders. This may include COVID-19 testing and self-isolation or quarantine requirements.


Link to complete declaration and further information: click here

You will need to create an account, which will allow you to manage your current and future declarations in one place.


Details required for DPD:

  • flight number
  • valid passport
  • travel history (14 days before the flight)
  • destination and quarantine arrangements (if required)
  • COVID-19 vaccination record or acceptable proof you cannot be vaccinated for medical reasons
  • a negative COVID-19 Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR) test or other nucleic acid amplification test result within 3 days of the flight’s scheduled departure to Australia, or a medical certificate as evidence of a negative Rapid Antigen Test (RAT) taken under medical supervision within 24 hours before the flight’s scheduled departure to Australia.
  • each passenger is required to complete a Digital Passenger Declaration. Parents or guardians should complete a declaration for any child under 16 years of age.


Check State & Territory Requirements prior to travelling

All passengers should check the arrangements in both their place of arrival and place of final destination, as quarantine requirements are different in each Australian State and Territory.


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