The Migration Amendment (Infringement Notices) Regulations 2024 introduce significant changes aimed at strengthening employer compliance with migration laws. Effective from 1 July 2024, these amendments follow the royal assent of the Strengthening Employer Compliance Act on 20 February 2024. Refer to the full amendment document.ย
Increased penalties for complianceย
To ensure stricter adherence to migration regulations, the infringement notice penalty amounts for existing civil penalty provisions have been aligned with the increased civil penalty amounts introduced by the Strengthening Employer Compliance Act. This alignment underscores the importance of compliance and the consequences of contraventions.ย
New civil penalty provisions for complianceย
The amendment provides for infringement notices concerning alleged contraventions of new civil penalty provisions. These provisions, target employer misconduct and misuse of migration programs, reflecting a comprehensive approach to maintaining compliance.ย
Removal of half-penalty option to enhance complianceย
The previous option of a reduced penalty for first-time contraventions has been removed. This change ensures that penalties accurately reflect the severity of non-compliance, discouraging employers from taking risks with migration laws.ย
Standardised penalty amounts for complianceย
The regulation introduces a set penalty amount for infringement notices, established at one-fifth of the civil penalty provision for both individuals and corporate bodies. This standardisation simplifies the penalty process and reinforces the significance of adhering to migration regulations.ย
These updates reinforce the commitment to safeguarding temporary migrant workers and maintaining the integrity of Australiaโs migration programs. ย