Immigration experts in Australia and NZ

Absolute News

When it comes to immigration, we are thought leaders and we love to share our expertise and knowledge. Check out our articles, opinion pieces, and recorded webinars. Keep informed with immigration changes as they happen.

462 visa
Key changes to the Subclass 462 visa have been announced, including the new pre-application process, a $25 registration charge, and a ballot system.
Statutory declarations
Commonwealth statutory declarations can now be made digitally through the myGov platform.
Effective 02 August 2024, Subclass 482 visa’s Short-Term Stream has simplified some Genuine Temporary Entrant (GTE) criteria requirements.

From 25 November 2023, the Australian Government will be making changes to the Temporary Skill Shortage (subclass 482) and Temporary Residence Transition stream of the Employer Nomination Scheme (subclass 186) and Regional Sponsored Migration Scheme (RSMS) (subclass 187) visas to provide a simpler and clearer pathway to permanent residence for Skilled Workers.

From 25 November 2023, the Australian Government will be making changes to the Temporary Skill Shortage (subclass 482) and Temporary Residence Transition stream of the Employer Nomination Scheme (subclass 186) and Regional Sponsored Migration Scheme (RSMS) (subclass 187) visas to provide a simpler and clearer pathway to permanent residence for Skilled Workers.

The States and Territories nomination programs have been revised for the 2023-24 program year, with varying criteria for each status.

An essential update from The Australian Taxation Office (ATO) and the Department of Home Affairs, launching a comprehensive data matching program spanning from 2023-24 to 2025-26 for Australian businesses hiring and sponsoring visa holders.

The Jobs and Skills Report 2023 offers insights into Australia's evolving workforce, addressing skill shortages and guiding job seekers, migrants, and businesses.

The Jobs and Skills Report 2023 offers insights into Australia's evolving workforce, addressing skill shortages and guiding job seekers, migrants, and businesses.

South Australia has officially opened their 2023-24 General Skilled Migration Program for both onshore and overseas applicants.

Victoria's 2023-24 Skilled Migration Program is officially open to applicants living in Victoria and overseas.

As part of the Australia-UK Free Trade Agreement (AUKFTA), the Innovation and Early Careers Skills Exchange Pilot (IECSEP) provides new opportunities for UK citizens to work in Australia.

The Government will close the Pandemic Event visa on 1 February 2024. However, from September 2, 2023, only current holders will be able to apply.

The allocations for the 2023-24 State and Territories nominated visa programs have been released.

UK citizens or permanent residents are now exempt from Labour Market Testing for Temporary Skills Shortages applications.

Screenshot 2023 06 30 at 10.03.42 am 1

Featured migration story headline to go here

Ehenducienis am, quis dolorerovid quia que lam, ut opta sita non nonem velesed que sin consedi pidebis volo inulpar chilliquos autatiorequis velesed que sin consedi pidebis volo inulpar chilliquos autatiore, simagnita nonsequia.

pexels divinetechygirl 1181717 min scaled
The Skills in Demand visa reforms simplify migration pathways and address labour shortages across Australia’s workforce.
Key Updates to the Skills in Demand visa
The Skills in Demand visa reforms simplify migration pathways and address labour shortages across Australia’s workforce.
Skills in Demand Visa
From 7 December 2024, the Skills in Demand Visa (SID Visa) will address labour shortages with streamlined pathways and improved mobility.
The current query has no posts. Please make sure you have published items matching your query.
Screenshot 2023 06 30 at 10.03.42 am 1

Featured migration story headline to go here

Ehenducienis am, quis dolorerovid quia que lam, ut opta sita non nonem velesed que sin consedi pidebis volo inulpar chilliquos autatiorequis velesed que sin consedi pidebis volo inulpar chilliquos autatiore, simagnita nonsequia.

pexels divinetechygirl 1181717 min scaled
The Skills in Demand visa reforms simplify migration pathways and address labour shortages across Australia’s workforce.
Key Updates to the Skills in Demand visa
The Skills in Demand visa reforms simplify migration pathways and address labour shortages across Australia’s workforce.
Skills in Demand Visa
From 7 December 2024, the Skills in Demand Visa (SID Visa) will address labour shortages with streamlined pathways and improved mobility.
National Innovation Visa (NIV) implementation
Effective 6 December 2024, the National Innovation Visa (NIV) replaces the Global Talent Visa (Subclass 858), introducing new legislative instruments and amendments to streamline the application process and criteria.
Core Skills Occupation List
The Australian Government has updated its Core Skills Occupation List (CSOL), removing several occupations. This impacts sponsorship pathways and skilled migration options.
Core Skills Occupation List
The Australian Government has just released the new Core Skills Occupation List (CSOL), including 456 occupations. Skills in Demand visa is set to start on 7 December 2024.
The current query has no posts. Please make sure you have published items matching your query.
Screenshot 2023 06 30 at 10.03.42 am 1

Featured migration story headline to go here

Ehenducienis am, quis dolorerovid quia que lam, ut opta sita non nonem velesed que sin consedi pidebis volo inulpar chilliquos autatiorequis velesed que sin consedi pidebis volo inulpar chilliquos autatiore, simagnita nonsequia.

pexels divinetechygirl 1181717 min scaled
The Skills in Demand visa reforms simplify migration pathways and address labour shortages across Australia’s workforce.
The current query has no posts. Please make sure you have published items matching your query.
Workplace Justice Visa Regulations 2024
The Workplace Justice Visa enables temporary migrants to stay and work in Australia while addressing workplace exploitation. Learn the key aspects and benefits.
Protection for Migrant Workers: New Anti-Exploitation Laws
New laws effective from 1 July 2024 protect migrant workers from exploitation by employers. These laws ensure fair treatment and compliance.
New migration deal to address Western Australia skill shortages
The Western Australian Government has signed a deal for 10,000 skilled migration places for 2024-25. The deal will create more opportunities for business sponsors, addressing labour shortages and boosting the

From 25 November 2023, the Australian Government will be making changes to the Temporary Skill Shortage (subclass 482) and Temporary Residence Transition stream of the Employer Nomination Scheme (subclass 186) and Regional Sponsored Migration Scheme (RSMS) (subclass 187) visas to provide a simpler and clearer pathway to permanent residence for Skilled Workers.

From 25 November 2023, the Australian Government will be making changes to the Temporary Skill Shortage (subclass 482) and Temporary Residence Transition stream of the Employer Nomination Scheme (subclass 186) and Regional Sponsored Migration Scheme (RSMS) (subclass 187) visas to provide a simpler and clearer pathway to permanent residence for Skilled Workers.

The States and Territories nomination programs have been revised for the 2023-24 program year, with varying criteria for each status.

An essential update from The Australian Taxation Office (ATO) and the Department of Home Affairs, launching a comprehensive data matching program spanning from 2023-24 to 2025-26 for Australian businesses hiring and sponsoring visa holders.

The Jobs and Skills Report 2023 offers insights into Australia's evolving workforce, addressing skill shortages and guiding job seekers, migrants, and businesses.

The Jobs and Skills Report 2023 offers insights into Australia's evolving workforce, addressing skill shortages and guiding job seekers, migrants, and businesses.

South Australia has officially opened their 2023-24 General Skilled Migration Program for both onshore and overseas applicants.

Victoria's 2023-24 Skilled Migration Program is officially open to applicants living in Victoria and overseas.

As part of the Australia-UK Free Trade Agreement (AUKFTA), the Innovation and Early Careers Skills Exchange Pilot (IECSEP) provides new opportunities for UK citizens to work in Australia.

The Government will close the Pandemic Event visa on 1 February 2024. However, from September 2, 2023, only current holders will be able to apply.

The allocations for the 2023-24 State and Territories nominated visa programs have been released.

UK citizens or permanent residents are now exempt from Labour Market Testing for Temporary Skills Shortages applications.

Screenshot 2023 06 30 at 10.03.42 am 1

Featured migration story headline to go here

Ehenducienis am, quis dolorerovid quia que lam, ut opta sita non nonem velesed que sin consedi pidebis volo inulpar chilliquos autatiorequis velesed que sin consedi pidebis volo inulpar chilliquos autatiore, simagnita nonsequia.

pexels divinetechygirl 1181717 min scaled
The Skills in Demand visa reforms simplify migration pathways and address labour shortages across Australia’s workforce.
Key Updates to the Skills in Demand visa
The Skills in Demand visa reforms simplify migration pathways and address labour shortages across Australia’s workforce.
Skills in Demand Visa
From 7 December 2024, the Skills in Demand Visa (SID Visa) will address labour shortages with streamlined pathways and improved mobility.

From 25 November 2023, the Australian Government will be making changes to the Temporary Skill Shortage (subclass 482) and Temporary Residence Transition stream of the Employer Nomination Scheme (subclass 186) and Regional Sponsored Migration Scheme (RSMS) (subclass 187) visas to provide a simpler and clearer pathway to permanent residence for Skilled Workers.

From 25 November 2023, the Australian Government will be making changes to the Temporary Skill Shortage (subclass 482) and Temporary Residence Transition stream of the Employer Nomination Scheme (subclass 186) and Regional Sponsored Migration Scheme (RSMS) (subclass 187) visas to provide a simpler and clearer pathway to permanent residence for Skilled Workers.

The States and Territories nomination programs have been revised for the 2023-24 program year, with varying criteria for each status.

An essential update from The Australian Taxation Office (ATO) and the Department of Home Affairs, launching a comprehensive data matching program spanning from 2023-24 to 2025-26 for Australian businesses hiring and sponsoring visa holders.

The Jobs and Skills Report 2023 offers insights into Australia's evolving workforce, addressing skill shortages and guiding job seekers, migrants, and businesses.

The Jobs and Skills Report 2023 offers insights into Australia's evolving workforce, addressing skill shortages and guiding job seekers, migrants, and businesses.

South Australia has officially opened their 2023-24 General Skilled Migration Program for both onshore and overseas applicants.

Victoria's 2023-24 Skilled Migration Program is officially open to applicants living in Victoria and overseas.

As part of the Australia-UK Free Trade Agreement (AUKFTA), the Innovation and Early Careers Skills Exchange Pilot (IECSEP) provides new opportunities for UK citizens to work in Australia.

The Government will close the Pandemic Event visa on 1 February 2024. However, from September 2, 2023, only current holders will be able to apply.

The allocations for the 2023-24 State and Territories nominated visa programs have been released.

UK citizens or permanent residents are now exempt from Labour Market Testing for Temporary Skills Shortages applications.

Screenshot 2023 06 30 at 10.03.42 am 1

Featured migration story headline to go here

Ehenducienis am, quis dolorerovid quia que lam, ut opta sita non nonem velesed que sin consedi pidebis volo inulpar chilliquos autatiorequis velesed que sin consedi pidebis volo inulpar chilliquos autatiore, simagnita nonsequia.

pexels divinetechygirl 1181717 min scaled
The Skills in Demand visa reforms simplify migration pathways and address labour shortages across Australia’s workforce.
Key Updates to the Skills in Demand visa
The Skills in Demand visa reforms simplify migration pathways and address labour shortages across Australia’s workforce.
The current query has no posts. Please make sure you have published items matching your query.
Screenshot 2023 06 30 at 10.03.42 am 1

Featured migration story headline to go here

Ehenducienis am, quis dolorerovid quia que lam, ut opta sita non nonem velesed que sin consedi pidebis volo inulpar chilliquos autatiorequis velesed que sin consedi pidebis volo inulpar chilliquos autatiore, simagnita nonsequia.

pexels divinetechygirl 1181717 min scaled
The Skills in Demand visa reforms simplify migration pathways and address labour shortages across Australia’s workforce.
Key Updates to the Skills in Demand visa
The Skills in Demand visa reforms simplify migration pathways and address labour shortages across Australia’s workforce.
Skills in Demand Visa
From 7 December 2024, the Skills in Demand Visa (SID Visa) will address labour shortages with streamlined pathways and improved mobility.
The current query has no posts. Please make sure you have published items matching your query.
Screenshot 2023 06 30 at 10.03.42 am 1

Featured migration story headline to go here

Ehenducienis am, quis dolorerovid quia que lam, ut opta sita non nonem velesed que sin consedi pidebis volo inulpar chilliquos autatiorequis velesed que sin consedi pidebis volo inulpar chilliquos autatiore, simagnita nonsequia.

pexels divinetechygirl 1181717 min scaled
The Skills in Demand visa reforms simplify migration pathways and address labour shortages across Australia’s workforce.
Key Updates to the Skills in Demand visa
The Skills in Demand visa reforms simplify migration pathways and address labour shortages across Australia’s workforce.
Skills in Demand Visa
From 7 December 2024, the Skills in Demand Visa (SID Visa) will address labour shortages with streamlined pathways and improved mobility.
National Innovation Visa (NIV) implementation
Effective 6 December 2024, the National Innovation Visa (NIV) replaces the Global Talent Visa (Subclass 858), introducing new legislative instruments and amendments to streamline the application process and criteria.
Core Skills Occupation List
The Australian Government has updated its Core Skills Occupation List (CSOL), removing several occupations. This impacts sponsorship pathways and skilled migration options.
Core Skills Occupation List
The Australian Government has just released the new Core Skills Occupation List (CSOL), including 456 occupations. Skills in Demand visa is set to start on 7 December 2024.
The current query has no posts. Please make sure you have published items matching your query.
Screenshot 2023 06 30 at 10.03.42 am 1

Featured migration story headline to go here

Ehenducienis am, quis dolorerovid quia que lam, ut opta sita non nonem velesed que sin consedi pidebis volo inulpar chilliquos autatiorequis velesed que sin consedi pidebis volo inulpar chilliquos autatiore, simagnita nonsequia.

pexels divinetechygirl 1181717 min scaled
The Skills in Demand visa reforms simplify migration pathways and address labour shortages across Australia’s workforce.
The current query has no posts. Please make sure you have published items matching your query.

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