If you’re awaiting a decision on a temporary or permanent visa in Australia and plan to travel overseas, it’s crucial to understand the implications of your current visa status. A Bridging Visa A (BVA) allows you to remain lawfully in Australia during the processing of your substantive visa application but does not permit international travel. Departing Australia while holding a BVA will result in its cessation, and you may not be able to re-enter until your substantive visa is granted.ย
To travel overseas and return to Australia during this period, you must obtain a Bridging Visa B (BVB) before you depart Australia. A BVB grants temporary travel rights, allowing you to depart and re-enter Australia while your substantive visa application is under consideration.ย
Eligibility for a Bridging Visa Bย
- Current visa status: You must hold a valid BVA.ย
- Pending visa application: You are awaiting a decision on a substantive visa application that is not yet finalised or is under judicial review.ย
- Compelling reason for travel: You have a valid reason for leaving and returning to Australia while your visa application is being processed.ย
When to Apply for a BVBย
It’s recommended to apply for a BVB no more than three months and no less than two weeks before your intended travel date.ย
Travel Period on a BVBย
A BVB is granted with a defined travel period during which you can leave and re-enter Australia. The Department of Home Affairs considers your reason for travel and the anticipated decision timeframe for your substantive visa when determining this period.ย
Supporting Documentsย
When applying for a BVB, provide:ย
- Evidence of your reason for travel.ย
- Intended travel dates.ย
- If staying overseas for more than 14 days, your full overseas address.ย
When Does a BVB End?ย
A BVB ceases if:ย
- You are granted the substantive visa you applied for.ย
- You are granted another BVB.ย
- The Department cancels your BVB or substantive visa.ย
- You are outside Australia when the travel period ends.ย
- You leave Australia after the travel period ends.ย
Plan Ahead to Avoid Disruptionsย
Travelling overseas while awaiting a visa decision requires careful planning. A Bridging Visa B is essential for maintaining your ability to re-enter Australia while your substantive visa is under review.ย
For additional guidance, check out our related articles:ย
For tailored advice and assistance with your bridging visa application, contact us at aisupport@absoluteimmigration.com.ย