When it comes to immigration, we are thought leaders and we love to share our expertise and knowledge. Check out our articles, opinion pieces, and recorded webinars. Keep informed with immigration changes as they happen.
Our Immigration Director of Absolute Immigration Legal, Alex Kaufman, offers great insights for businesses to ensure their operations stay compliant and meet all their sponsorship obligations.
With the raising of the Temporary Skilled Migration Income Threshold (TSMIT) now in effect from 1 July 2023, the Department of Home Affairs have released a summary.
Alex Kaufman, the Director of Absolute Immigration Legal, Vice President of the NSW/ACT State Committee of the Migration Institute of Australia and Legal Practitioner admitted to the Supreme Court of NSW and the High Court of Australia, provides us with his view on the path ahead for immigration reform in Australia.
Workplace protections for Pacific workers in Australia will be increased under the new Deed and Guidelines for the Pacific Australia Labour Mobility (PALM) scheme and rolled out in July 2023
Workplace protections for Pacific workers in Australia will be increased under the new Deed and Guidelines for the Pacific Australia Labour Mobility (PALM) scheme and rolled out in July 2023
The Australian Government has announced a direct pathway to Australian citizenship for New Zealand citizens living in Australia.​​
The visa conditions for new Partner of Worker Work Visas are changing this month. Many people who apply for these visas from 31 May 2023 will need to work for
Arno Nothnagel, our NZ Director, recently sat down with Georgia Hawley, Legal Recruitment Consultant at Robert Walters, to discuss the challenge NZ companies are facing in attracting talent.
In consultation with businesses and unions, the Government has announced a new Aged Care Industry Labour Agreement with the aim to promote increased recruitment and retention in the aged care
The Government has announced that increased protections will be introduced to target employers who attempt to exploit temporary visa holders and to ensure workers can speak up without fear of reprisal.
Time is running out to commence the required four weeks advertising for Labour Market Testing, if attempting to meet the 30 June 2023 deadline for applications at the current $53,900 TSMIT.
We provide an update on the coded inclusion of the Aged Care sector in an Industry Labour Agreement template and the impact and benefits that follow.
Featured migration story headline to go here
Ehenducienis am, quis dolorerovid quia que lam, ut opta sita non nonem velesed que sin consedi pidebis volo inulpar chilliquos autatiorequis velesed que sin consedi pidebis volo inulpar chilliquos autatiore, simagnita nonsequia.
Featured migration story headline to go here
Ehenducienis am, quis dolorerovid quia que lam, ut opta sita non nonem velesed que sin consedi pidebis volo inulpar chilliquos autatiorequis velesed que sin consedi pidebis volo inulpar chilliquos autatiore, simagnita nonsequia.
Featured migration story headline to go here
Ehenducienis am, quis dolorerovid quia que lam, ut opta sita non nonem velesed que sin consedi pidebis volo inulpar chilliquos autatiorequis velesed que sin consedi pidebis volo inulpar chilliquos autatiore, simagnita nonsequia.
Our Immigration Director of Absolute Immigration Legal, Alex Kaufman, offers great insights for businesses to ensure their operations stay compliant and meet all their sponsorship obligations.
With the raising of the Temporary Skilled Migration Income Threshold (TSMIT) now in effect from 1 July 2023, the Department of Home Affairs have released a summary.
Alex Kaufman, the Director of Absolute Immigration Legal, Vice President of the NSW/ACT State Committee of the Migration Institute of Australia and Legal Practitioner admitted to the Supreme Court of NSW and the High Court of Australia, provides us with his view on the path ahead for immigration reform in Australia.
Workplace protections for Pacific workers in Australia will be increased under the new Deed and Guidelines for the Pacific Australia Labour Mobility (PALM) scheme and rolled out in July 2023
Workplace protections for Pacific workers in Australia will be increased under the new Deed and Guidelines for the Pacific Australia Labour Mobility (PALM) scheme and rolled out in July 2023
The Australian Government has announced a direct pathway to Australian citizenship for New Zealand citizens living in Australia.​​
The visa conditions for new Partner of Worker Work Visas are changing this month. Many people who apply for these visas from 31 May 2023 will need to work for
Arno Nothnagel, our NZ Director, recently sat down with Georgia Hawley, Legal Recruitment Consultant at Robert Walters, to discuss the challenge NZ companies are facing in attracting talent.
In consultation with businesses and unions, the Government has announced a new Aged Care Industry Labour Agreement with the aim to promote increased recruitment and retention in the aged care
The Government has announced that increased protections will be introduced to target employers who attempt to exploit temporary visa holders and to ensure workers can speak up without fear of reprisal.
Time is running out to commence the required four weeks advertising for Labour Market Testing, if attempting to meet the 30 June 2023 deadline for applications at the current $53,900 TSMIT.
We provide an update on the coded inclusion of the Aged Care sector in an Industry Labour Agreement template and the impact and benefits that follow.
Featured migration story headline to go here
Ehenducienis am, quis dolorerovid quia que lam, ut opta sita non nonem velesed que sin consedi pidebis volo inulpar chilliquos autatiorequis velesed que sin consedi pidebis volo inulpar chilliquos autatiore, simagnita nonsequia.
Our Immigration Director of Absolute Immigration Legal, Alex Kaufman, offers great insights for businesses to ensure their operations stay compliant and meet all their sponsorship obligations.
With the raising of the Temporary Skilled Migration Income Threshold (TSMIT) now in effect from 1 July 2023, the Department of Home Affairs have released a summary.
Alex Kaufman, the Director of Absolute Immigration Legal, Vice President of the NSW/ACT State Committee of the Migration Institute of Australia and Legal Practitioner admitted to the Supreme Court of NSW and the High Court of Australia, provides us with his view on the path ahead for immigration reform in Australia.
Workplace protections for Pacific workers in Australia will be increased under the new Deed and Guidelines for the Pacific Australia Labour Mobility (PALM) scheme and rolled out in July 2023
Workplace protections for Pacific workers in Australia will be increased under the new Deed and Guidelines for the Pacific Australia Labour Mobility (PALM) scheme and rolled out in July 2023
The Government has announced that increased protections will be introduced to target employers who attempt to exploit temporary visa holders and to ensure workers can speak up without fear of reprisal.
Time is running out to commence the required four weeks advertising for Labour Market Testing, if attempting to meet the 30 June 2023 deadline for applications at the current $53,900 TSMIT.
We provide an update on the coded inclusion of the Aged Care sector in an Industry Labour Agreement template and the impact and benefits that follow.
Following the announcement that the Temporary Skilled Migration Income Threshold (TSMIT) will increase to $70,000 (plus Superannuation) from 1 July 2023, Jamie Lingham, our CEO and Global Immigration Leader, provides a further update.
Our Immigration Director of Absolute Immigration Legal, Alex Kaufman, provides us with details regarding the Superannuation Guarantee employer contribution increase and potential repercussions for Temporary Skill Shortage (TSS) visa holders.
Recent Government announcements including the Federal Budget, has a number of impacts on Australia’s migration program. Our CEO and Global Immigration Leader, Jamie Lingham, provides an outline and commentary.
In consultation with businesses and unions, the Government has announced a new Aged Care Industry Labour Agreement with the aim to promote increased recruitment and retention in the aged care workforce.
Featured migration story headline to go here
Ehenducienis am, quis dolorerovid quia que lam, ut opta sita non nonem velesed que sin consedi pidebis volo inulpar chilliquos autatiorequis velesed que sin consedi pidebis volo inulpar chilliquos autatiore, simagnita nonsequia.
Featured migration story headline to go here
Ehenducienis am, quis dolorerovid quia que lam, ut opta sita non nonem velesed que sin consedi pidebis volo inulpar chilliquos autatiorequis velesed que sin consedi pidebis volo inulpar chilliquos autatiore, simagnita nonsequia.
Featured migration story headline to go here
Ehenducienis am, quis dolorerovid quia que lam, ut opta sita non nonem velesed que sin consedi pidebis volo inulpar chilliquos autatiorequis velesed que sin consedi pidebis volo inulpar chilliquos autatiore, simagnita nonsequia.
Featured migration story headline to go here
Ehenducienis am, quis dolorerovid quia que lam, ut opta sita non nonem velesed que sin consedi pidebis volo inulpar chilliquos autatiorequis velesed que sin consedi pidebis volo inulpar chilliquos autatiore, simagnita nonsequia.
You can get in touch with the team on our support lines: 1300 227 658 or
+61 (03) 9827 3721. Alternatively, you can book a free 10 minute consultation through our Acuity Portal.
© Absolute Immigration 2019
MARN: 0108123 | Privacy Policy | Code of Conduct
Disclaimer: Information on this website does not constitute personal migration advice and is provided for general information and education purposes only. Accordingly, before taking any actions based on such information, we encourage you to consult with one of our Migration Agents who are all bound by the MARA Code of Conduct.
Certain images featured on our website and social media accounts are credited to Freepik, NZ Story, Tourism Australia, and 100% Pure New Zealand.
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