When it comes to immigration, we are thought leaders and we love to share our expertise and knowledge. Check out our articles, opinion pieces, and recorded webinars. Keep informed with immigration changes as they happen.
New Zealand passport holders can travel to 186 countries and Australians have access to 185 international destinations, without having to apply for a visa prior to travel.
From 19 January 2022 to 30 June 2023, Working Holiday Makers (WHMs) working in any sector anywhere in Australia may continue to work for the same employer or organisation for longer than six months without requesting permission.
IELTS One Skill Retake (OSR) is now available for test takers of certain visa subclasses and the Department of Home Affairs has accepted this option for immigration purposes.
The Australian government has announced that from 1 January 2023, New Zealand stream Skilled Independent (subclass 189) visa holders will have the commencement of their permanent residence period for Australian citizenship purposes backdated to 1 January 2022.
Since 12 December 2022, the new Migration Tasmania Application Gateway is open for registrations of interest and applications for skilled visa nomination from Tasmania.
The Australian government has set a temporary pause on new applications of the New Zealand stream of the Skilled Independent (subclass 189). This means that a new application cannot be made from 10 December 2022 until 1 July 2023.
If you want to travel overseas this festive season to visit your family or on holiday, but you are waiting for the decision on a temporary or permanent visa, you may be able to apply for another visa to enter Australia.
The Department of Home Affairs has released a new Ministerial Direction providing a new order of priority of processing for skilled nominations and visa applications.
Eligible temporary visa applicants in Australia will not be required to undertake medical examinations and chest x-rays in order to meet the health requirement.
After 30 June 2023, the number of hours a Student visa holder will be allowed to work will again be capped.
The Australian Government will increase the duration of post study work rights of international students to strengthen the pipeline of skilled labour.
We have further details and links for some regional 2022-23 Migration Program settings
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Ehenducienis am, quis dolorerovid quia que lam, ut opta sita non nonem velesed que sin consedi pidebis volo inulpar chilliquos autatiorequis velesed que sin consedi pidebis volo inulpar chilliquos autatiore, simagnita nonsequia.
Featured migration story headline to go here
Ehenducienis am, quis dolorerovid quia que lam, ut opta sita non nonem velesed que sin consedi pidebis volo inulpar chilliquos autatiorequis velesed que sin consedi pidebis volo inulpar chilliquos autatiore, simagnita nonsequia.
Featured migration story headline to go here
Ehenducienis am, quis dolorerovid quia que lam, ut opta sita non nonem velesed que sin consedi pidebis volo inulpar chilliquos autatiorequis velesed que sin consedi pidebis volo inulpar chilliquos autatiore, simagnita nonsequia.
New Zealand passport holders can travel to 186 countries and Australians have access to 185 international destinations, without having to apply for a visa prior to travel.
From 19 January 2022 to 30 June 2023, Working Holiday Makers (WHMs) working in any sector anywhere in Australia may continue to work for the same employer or organisation for longer than six months without requesting permission.
IELTS One Skill Retake (OSR) is now available for test takers of certain visa subclasses and the Department of Home Affairs has accepted this option for immigration purposes.
The Australian government has announced that from 1 January 2023, New Zealand stream Skilled Independent (subclass 189) visa holders will have the commencement of their permanent residence period for Australian citizenship purposes backdated to 1 January 2022.
Since 12 December 2022, the new Migration Tasmania Application Gateway is open for registrations of interest and applications for skilled visa nomination from Tasmania.
The Australian government has set a temporary pause on new applications of the New Zealand stream of the Skilled Independent (subclass 189). This means that a new application cannot be made from 10 December 2022 until 1 July 2023.
If you want to travel overseas this festive season to visit your family or on holiday, but you are waiting for the decision on a temporary or permanent visa, you may be able to apply for another visa to enter Australia.
The Department of Home Affairs has released a new Ministerial Direction providing a new order of priority of processing for skilled nominations and visa applications.
Eligible temporary visa applicants in Australia will not be required to undertake medical examinations and chest x-rays in order to meet the health requirement.
After 30 June 2023, the number of hours a Student visa holder will be allowed to work will again be capped.
The Australian Government will increase the duration of post study work rights of international students to strengthen the pipeline of skilled labour.
We have further details and links for some regional 2022-23 Migration Program settings
Featured migration story headline to go here
Ehenducienis am, quis dolorerovid quia que lam, ut opta sita non nonem velesed que sin consedi pidebis volo inulpar chilliquos autatiorequis velesed que sin consedi pidebis volo inulpar chilliquos autatiore, simagnita nonsequia.
Since 12 December 2022, the new Migration Tasmania Application Gateway is open for registrations of interest and applications for skilled visa nomination from Tasmania.
The Australian government has set a temporary pause on new applications of the New Zealand stream of the Skilled Independent (subclass 189). This means that a new application cannot be made from 10 December 2022 until 1 July 2023.
If you want to travel overseas this festive season to visit your family or on holiday, but you are waiting for the decision on a temporary or permanent visa, you may be able to apply for another visa to enter Australia.
The Department of Home Affairs has released a new Ministerial Direction providing a new order of priority of processing for skilled nominations and visa applications.
Eligible temporary visa applicants in Australia will not be required to undertake medical examinations and chest x-rays in order to meet the health requirement.
After 30 June 2023, the number of hours a Student visa holder will be allowed to work will again be capped.
The Australian Government will increase the duration of post study work rights of international students to strengthen the pipeline of skilled labour.
We have further details and links for some regional 2022-23 Migration Program settings
Positive announcements were made at the skilled migration session at the Jobs and Skills Summit.
Victoria’s 2022-23 Business Innovation and Investment Program is now open to applicants living in Victoria and overseas.
Under the 2022-23 Migration Program settings, some large allocation increases have been made available to States and Territories.
The ACT & Northern Territory Skilled Migration Programs are now open, providing a pathway to permanent residency in the territories of ACT and Northern Territory, Australia.
Featured migration story headline to go here
Ehenducienis am, quis dolorerovid quia que lam, ut opta sita non nonem velesed que sin consedi pidebis volo inulpar chilliquos autatiorequis velesed que sin consedi pidebis volo inulpar chilliquos autatiore, simagnita nonsequia.
Featured migration story headline to go here
Ehenducienis am, quis dolorerovid quia que lam, ut opta sita non nonem velesed que sin consedi pidebis volo inulpar chilliquos autatiorequis velesed que sin consedi pidebis volo inulpar chilliquos autatiore, simagnita nonsequia.
Featured migration story headline to go here
Ehenducienis am, quis dolorerovid quia que lam, ut opta sita non nonem velesed que sin consedi pidebis volo inulpar chilliquos autatiorequis velesed que sin consedi pidebis volo inulpar chilliquos autatiore, simagnita nonsequia.
Featured migration story headline to go here
Ehenducienis am, quis dolorerovid quia que lam, ut opta sita non nonem velesed que sin consedi pidebis volo inulpar chilliquos autatiorequis velesed que sin consedi pidebis volo inulpar chilliquos autatiore, simagnita nonsequia.
You can get in touch with the team on our support lines: 1300 227 658 or
+61 (03) 9827 3721. Alternatively, you can book a free 10 minute consultation through our Acuity Portal.
© Absolute Immigration 2019
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Disclaimer: Information on this website does not constitute personal migration advice and is provided for general information and education purposes only. Accordingly, before taking any actions based on such information, we encourage you to consult with one of our Migration Agents who are all bound by the MARA Code of Conduct.
Certain images featured on our website and social media accounts are credited to Freepik, NZ Story, Tourism Australia, and 100% Pure New Zealand.
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