When it comes to immigration, we are thought leaders and we love to share our expertise and knowledge. Check out our articles, opinion pieces, and recorded webinars. Keep informed with immigration changes as they happen.
When will international borders open and what does the future of immigration look like in today’s climate? Join our most senior Migration Agents as they discuss the changing immigration climate
If you are seeking an opportunity to integrate both your commercial and lifestyle interests, Australia or New Zealand could be right for you. They both offer an attractive balance between investment opportunities, expansive lifestyle and recreation choices in landscapes unique to both countries.
We’ve been supporting each other through the lockdown and as we move into the new COVID normal world. From all of us at Absolute Immigration, here are a few tips
Absolute Immigration have been announced as the winners of the Wellbeing Initiative of the Year Award, in the Employee Engagement Category for the 2020 TEMI Global Workforce Management Awards. We are so excited and proud of how our team has come together and supported each other throughout the global pandemic going on right now.
The Department of Home Affairs has launched a new Electronic Travel Authority (ETA) App for holders of passports from the countries below: Brunei - Darussalam
The South Australia State Government has officially announced that BIIP is now open to accept applications for the Significant Investor visa (188C) prior to completion of Intention to Apply.
The Australian Taxation Office (ATO) will be acquiring data from the Department of Home affairs for the financial years of 2020-21 to 2022-23. This protocol consolidates the
In the last few days, we’ve seen some loosening of the coronavirus restrictions, and although international borders remain closed with no set date of re-opening,
There has been some confusion about the change in requirements for the manner in which Labour Market Testing (LMT) is undertaken. Due to conflicting information between the Ministerial Instrument
The Federal Government has made its budget announcement and with Australia’s net overseas migration* forecast to see a loss of 72,000 people for 2020-21, it’s no surprise that there a number of
From late September sponsors will be able to advise The Department of Home Affairs of temporary changes to employment arrangements for 457, TSS & SESR visa holders
This year, due to the impact of COVID-19, acquiring a skilled migration visa for Australia has never been more challenging with reduced numbers of visas issued and increased processing times.
Featured migration story headline to go here
Ehenducienis am, quis dolorerovid quia que lam, ut opta sita non nonem velesed que sin consedi pidebis volo inulpar chilliquos autatiorequis velesed que sin consedi pidebis volo inulpar chilliquos autatiore, simagnita nonsequia.
Featured migration story headline to go here
Ehenducienis am, quis dolorerovid quia que lam, ut opta sita non nonem velesed que sin consedi pidebis volo inulpar chilliquos autatiorequis velesed que sin consedi pidebis volo inulpar chilliquos autatiore, simagnita nonsequia.
Featured migration story headline to go here
Ehenducienis am, quis dolorerovid quia que lam, ut opta sita non nonem velesed que sin consedi pidebis volo inulpar chilliquos autatiorequis velesed que sin consedi pidebis volo inulpar chilliquos autatiore, simagnita nonsequia.
When will international borders open and what does the future of immigration look like in today’s climate? Join our most senior Migration Agents as they discuss the changing immigration climate
If you are seeking an opportunity to integrate both your commercial and lifestyle interests, Australia or New Zealand could be right for you. They both offer an attractive balance between investment opportunities, expansive lifestyle and recreation choices in landscapes unique to both countries.
We’ve been supporting each other through the lockdown and as we move into the new COVID normal world. From all of us at Absolute Immigration, here are a few tips
Absolute Immigration have been announced as the winners of the Wellbeing Initiative of the Year Award, in the Employee Engagement Category for the 2020 TEMI Global Workforce Management Awards. We are so excited and proud of how our team has come together and supported each other throughout the global pandemic going on right now.
The Department of Home Affairs has launched a new Electronic Travel Authority (ETA) App for holders of passports from the countries below: Brunei - Darussalam
The South Australia State Government has officially announced that BIIP is now open to accept applications for the Significant Investor visa (188C) prior to completion of Intention to Apply.
The Australian Taxation Office (ATO) will be acquiring data from the Department of Home affairs for the financial years of 2020-21 to 2022-23. This protocol consolidates the
In the last few days, we’ve seen some loosening of the coronavirus restrictions, and although international borders remain closed with no set date of re-opening,
There has been some confusion about the change in requirements for the manner in which Labour Market Testing (LMT) is undertaken. Due to conflicting information between the Ministerial Instrument
The Federal Government has made its budget announcement and with Australia’s net overseas migration* forecast to see a loss of 72,000 people for 2020-21, it’s no surprise that there a number of
From late September sponsors will be able to advise The Department of Home Affairs of temporary changes to employment arrangements for 457, TSS & SESR visa holders
This year, due to the impact of COVID-19, acquiring a skilled migration visa for Australia has never been more challenging with reduced numbers of visas issued and increased processing times.
Featured migration story headline to go here
Ehenducienis am, quis dolorerovid quia que lam, ut opta sita non nonem velesed que sin consedi pidebis volo inulpar chilliquos autatiorequis velesed que sin consedi pidebis volo inulpar chilliquos autatiore, simagnita nonsequia.
While it may be difficult to get into Australia and New Zealand currently, if you do manage to book a flight or obtain a travel waiver and you’re not a citizen or permanent resident, you can look forward to 14 days of mandatory quarantine.
In August 2020, Immigration New Zealand (INZ) introduced fees for all border exception expression of interest (EOI) requests and we believe Australia will do the same.
It is undisputed that the era of COVID-19 has been a tumultuous one for non-citizens and non-permanent residents in Australia, particularly international students.
Recently the Department of Home Affairs has been performing extra checks on 186 Sponsor companies to confirm applicant positions are genuine and available.
Differentiating between scams and genuine contact from the Department of Home Affairs or any other Government body can be difficult
On 23 July 2020 Treasury released modelling that was based on Australia’s international borders reopening from January next year, but how likely is this to actually happen?
JobKeeper Extended until March 2021 – but still not available to temporary visa holders With Melbourne returning to lockdown and feared spikes in COVID-19 in Sydney and elsewhere, many have let out a sigh
Prime Minister Scott Morrison and Alan Tudge, Minister for Immigration have issued a join statement announcing the planned visa arrangements for
The Australian Government has now taken certain steps to ensure Australia remains a priority destination for international students as Australia emerge from the COVID-19 pandemic
The NSW Government will fund $4 million to support temporary visa holders and specialist migrant and settlement services during the COVID-19 pandemic.
Anyone arriving in Australia from overseas must enter into 14 day quarantine in a designated accommodation facility. No matter which city you arrive in, all international travelers must quarantine.
Featured migration story headline to go here
Ehenducienis am, quis dolorerovid quia que lam, ut opta sita non nonem velesed que sin consedi pidebis volo inulpar chilliquos autatiorequis velesed que sin consedi pidebis volo inulpar chilliquos autatiore, simagnita nonsequia.
Featured migration story headline to go here
Ehenducienis am, quis dolorerovid quia que lam, ut opta sita non nonem velesed que sin consedi pidebis volo inulpar chilliquos autatiorequis velesed que sin consedi pidebis volo inulpar chilliquos autatiore, simagnita nonsequia.
Featured migration story headline to go here
Ehenducienis am, quis dolorerovid quia que lam, ut opta sita non nonem velesed que sin consedi pidebis volo inulpar chilliquos autatiorequis velesed que sin consedi pidebis volo inulpar chilliquos autatiore, simagnita nonsequia.
Featured migration story headline to go here
Ehenducienis am, quis dolorerovid quia que lam, ut opta sita non nonem velesed que sin consedi pidebis volo inulpar chilliquos autatiorequis velesed que sin consedi pidebis volo inulpar chilliquos autatiore, simagnita nonsequia.
You can get in touch with the team on our support lines: 1300 227 658 or
+61 (03) 9827 3721. Alternatively, you can book a free 10 minute consultation through our Acuity Portal.
© Absolute Immigration 2019
MARN: 0108123 | Privacy Policy | Code of Conduct
Disclaimer: Information on this website does not constitute personal migration advice and is provided for general information and education purposes only. Accordingly, before taking any actions based on such information, we encourage you to consult with one of our Migration Agents who are all bound by the MARA Code of Conduct.
Certain images featured on our website and social media accounts are credited to Freepik, NZ Story, Tourism Australia, and 100% Pure New Zealand.
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We take a human-first approach, using technology to tackle the boring stuff so you can focus on building your business. Our expert team is always here to give you personalised advice, with in-house tax experts who can handle your big questions.
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