Before applying for a Job Check, local job advertising is essential for New Zealand employers to test the market, unless the role is on the Green List or it pays twice the median wage.
The advertisement needs to include key details about the job and be visible for 14-21 days depending on the skill level. Employers must also engage with Work and Income for lower-skilled roles to ensure that New Zealanders are given a fair chance.
Job advertisement requirements
Job advertisements must include key details, such as job title, duties, location, salary, required qualifications, and experience. These should be advertised on various platforms, including the company website or through recruitment agencies.
- Job title: provide a brief and meaningful description of the role.
- Key tasks and responsibilities: outline the daily tasks and responsibilities of the job.
- Job location or region: state the primary locations where the job will be performed.
- Number of positions: specify the total number of available vacancies in the advertisement with the same details such as title, pay, and requirements.
- Employment type: indicate if the job is permanent, temporary, fixed-term, or casual.
- Days required: list the number of workdays, including weekends or rotating shifts.
- Hours each week: mention the guaranteed weekly hours, a minimum of 30 hours per week throughout the employment.
- Hourly rate or salary band: provide the salary range, ensuring it meets the minimum wage requirement of at least NZD$29.66 an hour (the February 2023 median wage) unless it is on the exemption list. Refer to Median wage comparison calculator for more details.
Exemptions to job advertisement requirements
Certain jobs are exempt from the requirement to advertise or engage with Work and Income before applying for a Job Check. These exemptions apply if the job is on the Green List and meets its requirements, or if it pays at least NZD$59.32 per hour (twice the February 2023 median wage).
Additionally, jobs matching ANZSCO skill levels 1, 2, or 3 do not require engagement with Work and Income, but advertising may still be necessary unless the job is otherwise exempt.
Job requirements
Employers in New Zealand must ensure priority for suitable local candidates, including New Zealand citizens or resident visa holders when advertising a job. It is required to report the number of New Zealanders who applied, if any were considered suitable, and if so, why they were not hired.
Alternatively, employers can use a recruitment agency to advertise and find suitable applicants on their behalf.
Important to note that no recruitment costs can be passed over to visa applicants.
Engage with Work and Income
Employers must also engage with Work and Income before applying for a Job Check if the position is in ANZSCO skill level 4 or 5. An Online form is also required to submit including the details of main tasks and responsibilities, pay rates, minimum guaranteed hours of work and location, etc. Additionally, employers must upload a copy of the Work and Income Engagement Check as a supporting document to verify compliance with this requirement.
For more details, please refer to the New Zealand Immigration website.