Employers accredited under the Accredited Employer Work Visa (AEWV) scheme must inform Immigration New Zealand (INZ) when a migrant worker with an AEWV ceases employment. Timely reporting of this information is essential to ensure legal compliance and to avoid penalties, such as the suspension or revocation of the accreditation.
If a migrant worker resigns, is dismissed, or is made redundant, employers must notify INZ within 10 working days. Failing to meet this requirement may risk the accreditation status, which could limit the ability to hire future migrant workers.
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Key dates to note
- If your accreditation was approved, renewed, or upgraded on or after 7 April 2024: You must notify INZ within 10 working days if a migrant worker with an AEWV ceases employment. Failure to notify may result in penalties, including suspension or revocation of your accreditation.
- If your current accreditation was approved or renewed before 7 April 2024: While it is not yet a requirement to notify, doing so is recommended. This will become mandatory if you apply for, renew, or upgrade your accreditation in the future.
- Exception: If the migrant worker has less than one month remaining on their AEWV when they cease employment, you are not required to notify INZ.
How to notify INZ
The notification process is straightforward and can be completed online. Follow these steps:
- Log in to the Immigration Online portal using your RealMe login credentials.
- Select “Employ Migrants” from the dashboard to access the relevant section.
- Scroll to “My Granted Accreditations,” locate the relevant organization, and choose the “Options” column arrow.
- Select “View Accreditation,” then navigate to the “Migrant Workers with Visas” section.
- Identify the migrant worker who has stopped working, and choose the “Options” column arrow next to their name.
- Select “Notify INZ that employment has ended” from the drop-down menu.
- Complete the form by filling in all required sections and submit the notification.
By following these steps, you can ensure that INZ is informed about employment changes in compliance with the AEWV requirements.
Remember, ongoing compliance with your accreditation obligations is crucial for passing INZ checks. Accurate and timely reporting is essential for maintaining your accreditation and continuing to employ migrant workers under the AEWV scheme.
For more information or to discuss how these changes may affect you and your business, please contact Arno Nothnagel, Director of New Zealand Immigration, at arno.nothnagel@ absoluteimmigration.com to arrange an online consultation.