Immigration experts in Australia and NZ

What to do if you are a NZ visa holder and have been made redundant during the COIVD-19 crisis

What to do if you are a NZ visa holder and have been made redundant during the COIVD-19 crisis

COVID-19 has affected every part of our lives, and unfortunately as businesses have struggled to stay operational many people have been made redundant.

For those who rely on work to maintain their visa status, being made redundant can mean more than financial stress but a crisis of lawfully remaining in New Zealand at a time when international travel is difficult and expensive.

If you’ve been made redundant while on a work-based visa the effect this has on your visa status will depend on the specific conditions associated with your visa. Remember, every situation will be different so please get in touch with our New Zealand Immigration Director, Arno Nothnagel, to find out what visa options are available for your particular circumstances.

If you have been made redundant while on a work-based visa and are unable to leave New Zealand below are some of the options that may be available to you.

Apply for a temporary visa

Depending on your situation, there may be temporary visas that will suit your needs and permit you to stay in New Zealand. Your particular circumstance and needs will determine which temporary visas will be available to you and it is best to contact Absolute Immigration directly to find out more.

Apply for a dismissed worker visitor visa

This option is only available to people who have been dismissed from their job during a trial period and is a short-term solution.

A dismissed worker visitor visa will permit you to stay in New Zealand as a visitor for up to 3 months and includes partners and dependent children aged 19 and under.

You cannot work on a visitor visa and will need to have a ticket to leave New Zealand or enough money to buy one. You will also need to have enough money to support yourself for the length of the visa.

Apply for a partnership work visa

If you have a partner who can apply for a work visa in his or her own right, you will be able to apply for a partnership-based visa.

Communication with Immigration New Zealand (INZ)

We are in regular contact with INZ. During these uncertain times, INZ is encouraging us to contact them directly about any situations in which someone’s visa is expiring and they are unable to leave New Zealand to discuss their options and find an appropriate solution within the current circumstances. Please contact us should you find yourself in this situation and we will contact INZ directly on your behalf.

Want to know more?

Every person’s needs and circumstances are different so it is best to contact our New Zealand team directly to find out how we can support you with your visa needs.

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