Migration stories
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Permanent residents urged to check visa conditions before overseas travelÂ
Permanent residents of Australia are encouraged to verify their visa status before travelling overseas to avoid being stranded.
Changes to Subclass 462 visa and new application process explained
Key changes to the Subclass 462 visa have been announced, including the new pre-application process, a $25 registration charge, and a ballot system.
New digital option for Statutory Declarations
Commonwealth statutory declarations can now be made digitally through the myGov platform.
Genuine Temporary Entrant (GTE) requirements simplified for 482 visa
Effective 02 August 2024, Subclass 482 visa’s Short-Term Stream has simplified some Genuine Temporary Entrant (GTE) criteria requirements.
Navigating regional visa options: a guide for Australian business sponsors
The Australian government offers various regional skilled worker visas to address skill shortages and provide pathways to permanent residency.
Construction skills assessments: fast-tracking and streamlined processes for migrant workers
Fast-tracking construction skills assessments to meet the urgent demand for skilled workers in Australia’s housing sector.